Using the Digital Menu Board Editor (SME - Smart Menu Editor)

The NexSigns Digital Menu Board Editor allows users to create easily customizable menu boards.

Topics Covered

Login to OnePass and navigate to a Menu Board

  1. Login to OnePass (For more information, see How to access OnePass)
  2. Click on Application then select NexSigns

  3. Click on Start Action on your desired Product License

  4. Click on Digital Menu Board Editor

  5. Find the desired Menu Board, select Action and click on Edit

  6. You have successfully navigated to your desired Menu Board

Preview your Menu Board

  1. Login to OnePass and navigate to a Menu Board
  2. Click on Preview


    A new Web Browser Tab will open with the Menu Board Preview - Note that the background video will not display

    If your Menu Board is included in your Active Layout, you will be prompted with the option to Publish the changes to your signage

Create a new Menu Category

  1. Login to OnePass and navigate to a Menu Board
  2. Click on New Category

  3. Select a Item Display Style from the Drop Down Menu and complete the respective Text Boxes

  4. Click on Create New

  5. Any menu modifications are not finalized until you Save Changes

    If your Menu Board is included in your Active Layout, you will be prompted with the option to Publish the changes to your signage

Create a new Menu Item

  1. Login to OnePass and navigate to a Menu Board
  2. Select a desired Menu Category

  3. Click on New Item

  4. Select the Item Display Style from the Drop Down Menu and complete the respective Text Boxes