How to Setup your Nano-PC4 (Wi-Fi)

How to Setup your Nano-PC4 (Wi-Fi)

There are 2 options to power your Nano-PC4 device.

Powered by TV USB PortPowered by Power Adapter (included)
  • Works with every Nano-PC4 device and TV
  • Requires a TV USB Port with a minimum of 1.0 AMP of power

Kuusoft recommends powering the Nano-PC4 with the TV USB Port when possible.  All standard Displays (TVs), sold by Kuusoft, support powering the Nano-PC4 devices by the TV USB Port.

For Nano-PC3 - How to Setup your Nano-PC3 (Wi-Fi)

Topics Covered

Nano-PC4 - Parts Included

Setup a new Nano-PC4 device

  1. Plug in the USB-C Power Cable into the USB-C port at the bottom of your Nano-PC4


  2. Plug in the Nano-PC4 into your TV's HDMI port (location of the HDMI port may vary depending on the TV model)

  3. Power the Nano-PC4 Device (complete EITHER of the following)
    1. Power the Nano-PC4 with the TV USB Port (recommended)
      1. Plug in the USB Cable directly into the TV USB Port


    2. Power the Nano-PC4 with the included Power Adapter
      1. Plug in the USB Cable into the Power Adapter 


      2. Plug in the Power Adapter into an available Electrical Outlet (or Surge Protector)

  4. Turn ON the TV
    1. Use either the Remote or the physical Power Button the TV (Remote and Power Button will vary depending on the TV model)


  5. Change the TV Input to the installed HDMI Port
  6. You are done!


Nano-PC4 devices are typically shipped and preconfigured to connect to your Wi-Fi network.

Here is a tutorial on how to Configure Wi-Fi Settings on a Nano-PC4 (USB Mouse) - Engineer Menu

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