Preview Assets uploaded to OnePass

Preview Assets uploaded to OnePass

Topics Covered

Login to OnePass and navigate to your Assets

  1. Login to OnePass (For more information, see How to access OnePass)
  2. Click on Application then select NexSigns

  3. Click on Start Action on your desired Product License

  4. Select Manage Asset located in the left menu

  5. You have successfully navigated to your Manage Assets page.

Preview an Asset in your OnePass library (Tile Interface)

  1. Click on the desired Asset, then select Edit Image

  2. Click on View Full Size

  3. A new Web Browser tab will open with a preview of the Asset

Preview an Asset in your OnePass library (Classic Interface)

  1. Click on Switch to Classic Interface

  2. Locate your desired Asset, click on Action and select Preview 

  3. A new Web Browser tab will open with a preview of the Asset


If you have a large number of Assets, you can quickly locate your desired Asset using the Search Box 

Applies to

OnePass 3.1.x, NexSigns 2.x, NexSigns 3.x