Smart Menu Editor X OLO Integration

Smart Menu Editor X OLO Integration

DRAFT (Public)

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OLO Online Ordering Solution is now an authorized and certified online ordering platform provider that works with NexSgisn Smart Menu Editor. The OLO integration allows OLO users to pull data from the existing OLO menu database that can be used for digital menu boards with NexSigns through the Smart Menu Editor. This article will cover using NexSigns Smart Menu Editor for OLO users.


Before you can connect ToastPOS to NexSigns, you must have the following prerequisites:

Enable OLO API Access

  1. The customer needs to contact their OLO account representative to grant Kuusoft API access.

  2. Once API access is granted, Kuusoft will be able to retrieve the following information.

    1. OLO Key

    2. OLO Client ID

    3. OLO Client Secret

  3. The customer needs to locate their Store Reference Number (also known as External Reference Number) for their restaurant in their web control panel. Here’s how to obtain the Store Reference Number

    1. Login to OLO dashboard

    2. Click on Settings → Store Settings

    3. Locate the Store Reference Number appears on the screen

  4. Contact your account rep to retrieve your Key, Client ID, and Client Secret.

Setup Data Stream

Create a new Data Stream with the information you’ve received above. For more information on how to set up a Data Stream, see the articleData Streams Setup.

{ "DataSource": "OLO", "Version": "1.0", "Key": "<Replace OLO Key>", "ClientID": "<Replace OLO Client ID>", "ClientSecret": "<Replace OLO Client Secret>", "RestaurantID": null, "ExtRef": "<Replace OLO ExtRef Number>" }

You will need to replace the following.

  • <Replace OLO Key> → Replace with Key obtained from your account rep.

  • <Replace OLO Client ID> → Replace with Client ID obtained from your account rep.

  • <Replace OLO Client Secret> → Replace the Client Secret obtained from your account rep.

  • <Replace OLO ExtRef Number> → Replace with the Store Reference Number obtained from your OLO dashboard.

Franchise / Multi-location Setup

If all your franchisees are running under the same restaurant brand account within Olo, then for all your locations, the Key, Client ID, and Client Secret will be the same within the same franchise. The only thing that will be changed will be ExtRef (also known as Store Reference Number).


Using OLO data in Smart Menu Editor

You must first get familiar with how to control the basics of using Smart Menu Editor. For more information, refer to this article: Using the Digital Menu Board Editor (SME - Smart Menu Editor).

Once you are familiar with Smart Menu Editor, you can replace any fields in the Smart Menu Editor with dynamic data linking. For more information, refer to this article: Dynamic Data Linking (Data Stream Linking).

OLO Data Stream Configuration Detail



The connection utility for OLO consists of several fields. Here’s a summary of what each field represents

Field Name


Field Name


OLO Basic Filter

This is a dynamic filter that will be used to locate your menu items. In most cases, you should not need to touch this default setting. In some rare scenarios where the data you are looking for is outside of the typical menu structure, you will need to adjust this field to accommodate the menu structure.

Item Filter

Select the item you’d like to use to retrieve the data

Data Field

This is a list of data fields that are available for the item.

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