Multimedia Channel / Multimedia Playlist

Multimedia Channel / Multimedia Playlist

You can quickly create a playlist of images and videos (aka Assets (Images / Videos)), along with other media, using OnePass and your NexSigns Device. In this article, we will explore how to configure and use a Multimedia Channel.

Topics Covered

Login to OnePass and navigate to your Screen Layouts

  1. Login to OnePass (For more information, see How to access OnePass)
  2. Click on Application then select NexSigns

  3. Click on Start Action on your desired Product License

  4. You have successfully navigated to your Screen Layouts.

Create a new Multimedia Channel

  1. Select Manage Channel located in the left menu

  2. Click on Create New Channel 

  3. Enter a Channel Name, Description and select Multimedia in the Channel Type drop-down menu 

  4. Select Continue to finish creating a new Multimedia Channel

Add Media to a Multimedia Channel

  1. To add media to the Multimedia Channel, click on either the  + Add Video+ Add Image, + Add Multimedia Channel+ Add Connection Token+ Add Template, or + Upload New Asset

  2. Select your desired Media 



  3. You have successfully added media to your Multimedia Playlist

Preview an Asset - quick details and preview

  1. Locate your desired Asset and mouse over on the Preview icon


Preview an Asset - open in a new Tab

  1. Locate your desired Asset and click on the name

  2.  It will display your Asset on a New Tab in your Web Browser.

Modify the duration of time that an Image Asset or Website is displayed

  1. Locate your desired Asset and type in a new duration in the Duration (Seconds) text box (ex. 15 seconds)

  2. Click away from the Duration (Seconds) text box and it will be saved automatically
  3. You will see a green Saved! message when it has been changed.


Modify the order of a Multimedia playlist

  1. Locate your desired Asset and use Drag and Drop to change the order 

  2. Select Save Changes 

Remove an Asset from a Multimedia playlist

  1. Locate your desired Asset and click on the Red X Button

Set the Date, Day, and Time of the Day to display Media

Set a Date Range for an Asset in a Multimedia playlist

  1. Locate your desired Asset and select Display Always

  2. Select the desired Date Range and click on Save

  3. You are done.  This media will only display during the entered Date Range

Select the Days of the Week for an Asset in a Multimedia playlist

  1. Locate your desired Asset and select Display Everyday

  2. Select the desired Days of the Week and click on Save

  3. You are done.  This media will only display during the entered Days of the Week

Select the Time of the Day for an Asset in a Multimedia playlist

  1. Locate your desired Asset and select Display All Day

  2. Select the desired Time Range and click on Save

  3. You are done.  This media will only display during the entered Time of the Day

Useful Tip

Ensure to create Layout, Container, and connect it to the Multimedia Channel then Publish it to view it on on your signage.

Set Persona Filters for an Asset in a Multimedia playlist

Example #1 - Weekday Happy Hour Menu from 3pm to 5pm 

Example #2 - Daily Specials for June 2020

Applies to

OnePass 3.1.x, NexSigns 2.x, NexSigns 3.x

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