TV Mounting

TV Mounting

In this article, we will go over information regarding mounting your TV to be used with NexSigns

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Kuusoft recommends that any TV mounting should be completed by trained professionals. Please contact Kuusoft to arrange for professional installation services.

Landscape (Horizontal) Mounting

To use your TV in Landscape (Horizontal) mode, mount the display in TV natural orientation as shown below

Portrait (Vertical) Mounting

To use your TV in Portrait (Vertical) mode, mount the TV 90-degrees clockwise from the TV natural orientation as shown below

If your Display was mounted 90-degrees counter-clockwise, you will have to login to OnePass, enable the Display Reverse Mode setting on each respective Nano-PC device, and Reboot the Nano-PC Device



Purchasing a Wall Mount

  1. Determine the size & weight of the TV
  2. Determine the VESA mount dimensions on the TV
  3. Determine the required features of your mount (fixed, tilting, swivel, low profile, articulating, full motion, etc..)
  4. Ensure the installation site has adequate support beams
  5. Purchase a Wall Mount accordingly

Questions? contact Kuusoft.  

Purchasing a Ceiling Mount

  1. Determine the size & weight of the TV
  2. Determine the VESA mount dimensions on the TV
  3. Determine the required features of your mount (fixed, tilting, swivel, low profile, articulating, full motion, etc..)
  4. Determine the Pole Length of the Ceiling Mount required

    Pole Length Estimator Formula

    Pole Length ~= Ceiling Height - (TV Height / 2) - Height Clearance

    Ceiling Height - height where the ceiling mount with be attached to the floor
    TV Height – height of the TV without the stand
    Height Clearance – height clearance from the bottom of the TV to the floor

    Kuusoft generally recommends a minimum height clearance of at least 7 feet (84 inches / 2.13 meters) and a minimum of 2” from the top of the ceiling for tilt adjustment. 

    Be sure to abide by your local safety requirements.

  5. Ensure the installation site has adequate support beams 
  6. Purchase a Ceiling Mount accordingly

Questions? contact Kuusoft Support

When designing media for Portrait (Vertical) displays, DO NOT rotate the content that is being displayed. NexSigns will automatically display the media as shown below

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