Setup a Location for the Wait Queue Management System

Setup a Location for the Wait Queue Management System

This tutorial will cover instructions on how to Setup a Location for the Wait Queue Management System.

Topics Covered

Create a New Location

  1. Login to OnePass and Access the Location Manager (Wait Management Console)

    Don't have an account? - Sign up and Get Started with Wait

  2. Click on Add New Location

  3. Enter the Location ID

    Helpful Hints

    Choose a Location ID that describes the location and is easy to type.  The Location ID must be 6-10 characters and cannot be modified after being created. 

    Our system will validate the entry and let you know if the Location ID is available.


  4. Enter the Location Name, Location Nickname, Address, and Description


  5. Click on Add New Location

  6. You have successfully Added a Location for the Wait Queue Management System.

Select and Configure a Single-Queue Location

  1. Login to OnePass and Access the Location Manager (Wait Management Console)

    Don't have an account? - Sign up and Get Started with Wait

  2. Find the desired location, and click on the blue Edit button

  3. Click on Queues


  4. Click on Single-Queue Style.

    Helpful Hint

    The Queue Type cannot be modified after being selected.


  5. Modify the desired Settings


    The maximum number of guests allowed in the location at one time
    The amount of time that the guest has to enter with the "Green Pass"
    The maximum size of each party allowed
    Optional - A welcome message that will show while joining the Wait at the location

    Optional - Ability to prioritize certain groups

    example - web order pickup, walk-in, VIP

    The amount of time that the Wait system will check and send new updates
    Enable mobile number verificationVerifies the mobile phone number before joining the queue.
    Allow walk-in without check-inAllows guests to enter the location without joining the queue 
    Allow full-service queue entryAllows staff to check-in users manually on the Location Console
  6. Click on Save Changes

  7. You have successfully Selected and Configure a Single-Queue Location.  Click on the Back Arrow to return to the Location Manager


Select and Configure a Multi-Queue Location

  1. Login to OnePass and Access the Location Manager (Wait Management Console)

    Don't have an account? - Sign up and Get Started with Wait

  2. Find the desired location, and click on the blue Edit button

  3. Click on Queues


  4. Click on Multi-Queue Style

    Helpful Hint

    The Queue Type cannot be modified after being selected.


  5. Create the desired Queues by entering a Display Name clicking on Create Queue

    Repeat as desired


  6. Modify the desired Settings



    This will update the notification text message sent to the end user.

    @@LOCATION_NAME@@ will copy the information from the
    Location Name field

    Send a Test Message will send a sample text of the Notification Message

    Default Notification Message: 

    Your Wait at [@@LOCATION_NAME@@] is over. Please check in with the front desk. Thank you!

  7. You have successfully Selected and Configure a Multi-Queue Location.  Click on the Back Arrow to return to the Location Manager


Share Location Console Access

This will allow users to share access to the Location Console with other users.  User access can be added and removed at any time.
  1. Login to OnePass and Access the Location Manager (Wait Management Console)

    Don't have an account? - Sign up and Get Started with Wait

  2. Find the desired location, and click on the blue Edit button

  3. Click on Access


  4. Enter an Email Address and click on Grant Access.

  5. An email will be sent to the user that includes a link to access the Location Console

  6. You have successfully Shared Location Console Access.  Click on Back Arrow to return to the Location Manager


Next Step - Start Using Wait

Managing a Single-Queue Location (Location Console) - Link

Managing a Multi-Queue Location (Location Console) - Link

Applies to

OnePass 3.1.x