Build Custom Screen Apps (Open-API)

Build Custom Screen Apps (Open-API)

Work In Progress (Coming Soon)

Custom Screen Apps are currently not available publicly. Our development team is working very hard making Open-API available to the general public in the near future. This documentation is incomplete, please only refer to this documentation per instruction from Kuusoft team.


NexSigns embrace the concept of Open-API to allow 3rd party developer to build, execute, publish screen application on NexSigns platform. In this article, we will go through some of the basics of creating screen apps running natively on NexSigns.

The basic attribute of Screen Apps

All Screen Apps consists of the following attribute as an entry hook for the custom application.

RequirementAttribute NameDescriptionNotes
RequiredAppIDThis is a unique application ID given to the authorized developer.If you wish to obtain a new AppID, you must contact Kuusoft Support Team.
RequiredNameThe name of your application appeared to the user.
RequiredDescriptionThe description of your application. This will appear in the Market Place.
OptionalAppIcon24x24A .PNG format for your application icon for XS format (24px X 24px).
If the icon is not provided, a generic ScreenApp icon will be used.
The icon must be hosted on a publicly accessible domain with https connections. Alternatively, this can be uploaded to OnePass as an asset.
OptionalAppIcon32x32A .PNG format for your application icon for SM format (32px X 32px).
If the icon is not provided, a generic ScreenApp icon will be used.
The icon must be hosted on a publicly accessible domain with https connections. Alternatively, this can be uploaded to OnePass as an asset.
OptionalAppIcon48x48A .PNG format for your application icon for MD format (48px X 48px).
If the icon is not provided, a generic ScreenApp icon will be used.
The icon must be hosted on a publicly accessible domain with https connections. Alternatively, this can be uploaded to OnePass as an asset.
OptionalAppIcon64x64A .PNG format for your application icon for LG format (64px X 64px).
If the icon is not provided, a generic ScreenApp icon will be used.
The icon must be hosted on a publicly accessible domain with https connections. Alternatively, this can be uploaded to OnePass as an asset.
OptionalAppIcon96x96A .PNG format for your application icon for XL format (96px X 96px).
If the icon is not provided, a generic ScreenApp icon will be used.
The icon must be hosted on a publicly accessible domain with https connections. Alternatively, this can be uploaded to OnePass as an asset.

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