Configure kitchen order printing style

Configure kitchen order printing style

WarpPOS provides several different receipt settings to fit your operation needs. 

To change the Kitchen Printing Style setting

  1. Login to an account with access to Manager permissions
  2. Click on the Manager tab located at the top menu bar
  3. Click on the Settings tab located at the bottom menu bar
  4. Click on the Receipt tab located at the left menu bar
  5. Select an option in the Kitchen Printing Style drop down selection box

  6. Click on Save 
  7. Click Yes to restart WarpPOS

Kitchen Printing Style Options

Printing Style NameDescriptionSample Image
Standard Printing StyleThis is a standard printing style where all orders are printing on a single kitchen order receipt

Single Item Printing StyleIn this mode, each item will be printed on individual kitchen order receipt.

Single Order Printing StyleIn this mode, each item group will be printing on individual kitchen order receipt.

Applies to


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