You can quickly edit your Image Assets directly on OnePass using the powerful NexSigns Image Editor.  

Here are the available features of the NexSigns Image Editor

Tutorial - Recommended Web Browsers for OnePass
Tutorial - Assets (Images / Videos - Recommended Settings)

Login to OnePass and navigate to your Assets

  1. Login to OnePass (For more information, see How to access OnePass)
  2. Click on Application then select NexSigns

  3. Click on Start Action on your desired Product License

  4. Select Manage Asset located in the left menu

  5. You have successfully navigated to your Manage Assets page.

Edit an Image Asset

  1. Find the desired Asset, click on Action then select Edit Image

  2. Edit the Image as desired 


  3. Click on Save 

  4. Type in a new File Name and click on Save

  5. Click on OK then select Close Image Editor


  6. You have successfully edited an Image using the NexSigns Image Editor

A new Image, with the File Name from Step 4, will be saved to the Asset Library of the selected OnePass Account .  The existing Image will not be modified.

Applies to

OnePass 3.1.x, NexSigns 2.x, NexSigns 3.x

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