The following are requirements for Nano-PC2, Nano-PC3, or Nano-PC4 devices to function properly on a Wired Network
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A compatible Network Adapter is required to use a Wired Network (not included). Please contact your Account Executive. - Nano-PC2 and Nano-PC3 uses a USB-A LAN Adapter
- Nano-PC4 uses a USB-C LAN Adapter
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Wired Network Requirements for Nano-PC2
- Must use a Static IP
- Must be configured physically by the Kuusoft Support Team.
- Access to the standard HTTP (Port 80) / HTTPS (Port 443) ports
- Access to the NTP (UDP 123) port
Wired Network Requirements for Nano-PC3 and Nano-PC4
- Works with DHCP
- Access to the standard HTTP (Port 80) / HTTPS (Port 443) ports
- Access to the NTP (UDP 123) port
Applies to
Nano-PC2, Nano-PC3, Nano-PC4
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